Under its auspices the RSK PTA conducted a detailed survey from the Parents with a view to ascertain their views regarding the GIEF’S Management of the RSK SCHOOL for the past 2 years. Nearly 50 well meaning parents volunteered to take up the task of surveying BHEL and NON BHEL Parents. The Survey was able to obtain response from 824 Parents of the RSK School out of 1000 forms issued. Out of the responded 824,
119 respondent-parents expressed their Satisfaction i.e. 14.44 %
147 respondent-parents remained neutral i.e. 17.84 %
006 respondent-parents expressed their Don’t Know i.e. 0.73 %
552 respondent-parents have expressed Dissatisfaction i.e. 66.99 %
The Survey focused on many issues. Of which, three areas were considered more relevant and vital for evaluating the performance of the New Management, New Head of the Institution and the Parents’ perception about the School under the GIF Management.
The main areas which require immediate attention are:
1. Whether GIEF’S is doing an excellent Job in Academics?
The detailed analysis shows that only 164 parents are Satisfied, 232 Parents remain neutral, 11 parents claimed that they Don’t Know and 417 parents strongly feel dissatisfied.
2. Whether Parent’s feel welcome at school, their views are taken into account, their perception about standard of the school?
The detailed analysis shows that only 129 parents are Satisfied, 263 Parents remain neutral, 31 parents claimed that they Don’t Know and 401 parents strongly feel dissatisfied.
3. Whether the Leadership & Direction provided by the administrators of the School and the principal is effective in leading the school in the right direction
The detailed analysis shows that only 114 parents are Satisfied, 165 parents remain neutral, 34 parents claimed that they Don’t Know, and 511 parents strongly feel dissatisfied.
RPF learns that on behalf of the Parents of RSK School, the RSK-PTA has submitted the consolidated report of the survey conducted by it to take some suitable remedial measures at the earliest.