Saturday, June 5, 2010


THE RSK SCHOOL has postponed the re-opening of the school to the 10th of this month for undisclosed reasons to the students and parents. Reliable sources indicate that a section of the teaching community had called for sit in strike from the 2nd of this month and they have caused to circulate pamphlets against the management and the school head.
The same is reproduced for the benefit of the readers:-

1. We have not received our salary for May 2010 even on this day (01.06.2010). It must be credited at once. The first installment of our arrears due by 31.03.2010 has not been settled yet. You must settle it with interest immediately.

2. Deductions from our salary ( PF, Bank Loans, LIC) have not been remitted regularly. The penalty we have to pay as default must be borne by you and our accounts updated.

3. The temporary teachers must be made permanent with effect from June 2008 (after 2 yrs of probation ) and what ever they have lost be paid as arrears.

4. Our salary must be disbursed by the last working day of every month and our pay slip be issued a day earlier.

5. You have changed the bank account of the entire staff of RSK for crediting our salary from SBI to PNB for your own personal gain. As a matter of fact, Mr.Govindaraja, PNB Manager sanctioned a huge sum as loan to build your house ( worth around 3 crores) waiving a lot of conditions and one such is the residential proof ( ration card) was not produced but the loan was sanctioned. You, for that favour, in return acted very cheaply and without a thought given to the inconvenience we will undergo, transferred our accounts to PNB bank, We are facing a lot of problems and we want our salary be credited once more in SBI.

6. You have not paid Mr.GabrielRaj, the NCC master his yearly NCC honorarrium (Rs.10,000) which is due by April every year. It must be settled immediatly.

7. You give class treatment and spend in tens of thousands towards the hospitality of guests you invite to school for various functions. We are happy about that but it is painful the way you treated the retiring teachers. A high tea and a ponndai, the whole function could not have cost more than Rs.3,000/- against the traditional way of honourly the teachers on parents day, a purse worth 10 grms of gold, gifts and felicitations from OSA and students, etc. We will not be silent observers to such dishonour metted out to our colleagues who have served for nearly three decades. Further we object to any kind of extravagant celebration of any school funtion.

8. You are always sending the audited report for the previous mount by the 29th of the next month making it difficult for BHEL to do thee needful in time. It is obligatory on you to send it before the 20th of every month.

9. The staff has to sign the attendance register before 8.45am and by 4.00pm failing which disciplinary action is initiated. You,the head of the institution are not doing justice in this case. WE will elaborate if you require.

10. You have been cautioned by BHEL to follow the MOU strictly. Yet your attitude of making fools of everyone every time, and our goodness in not making our objections felt, has really put us in serious trouble of late. You are totally responsible for the decision to revert the retiring age from 60 years to 58 years, and the mode by which it was conveyed, has created in the concerned teacher feel the pangs of death. You are absolutely responsible for which you will pay heavily spiritually. You will experience the pain and anguish they experience.

11. You encash your E.L. as per G.O i.e. 30 days per year. However, the E.L. due to us is 17 days encashed yearly as per G.O but we are receiving only 10 days per year encashed after 3 days ( 30 days accumulated). You have been able to make BHEL agree in you case but have not done so for us.

12. The school carpenter Mr.Sekar has been doing the carpentry work in your new house almost throughout the year. The school pays the salary but he does your personal work. How can you talk about justice or guide the school in the path of justice. The students are in danger with you in charge. Mr.Sekar signs in the register once in a fortnight.

13. You have not settled the accounts with the bus company and so the bus service has been withdrawn. This has plunged the parents and students in distress. What have you done with the bus fee collection? with so much of irregularities, what are you? WE fear that you may run off with our benefits. So settle on pending accounts immediately before the new academic year ( 2010-11) begins.

1 comment:

urdad said...

varadhu sux