Tuesday, June 3, 2008


RSK Parents are fretting and fuming against the denial of +2 seats for their wards who have been denied seats by our Principal. They say that students from outside school have been admitted much to exception of RSK Students. They also feel that the Principial has violated the last year High Court ruling that first priority should be given to their students than admitting other school students. They also made it clear that the school should take necessary steps to accomodate the students by giving the group of their choice. Then why this uncessary chaos in the admission. It is hurting the sentiments of the RSK Parents and RPF extends its hand to jointly fight against this injustice. -- RPF


Anonymous said...

Yes, we are wasting our precious time on the corridors of RSK school. Why do we have to beg and plead for admissions in aschool that has been started for us BHEL employees' wards. Will this Principal be allowed to play fast and loose with our wards whole career? Forcing our wards to take Commerce when they are interested in Science and vice-versa is the hall mark of a lazy administrator who can't make the effort to analyse and check for aptitude of the student before admitting...one yardstick for all... equality in marks, etc so outsiders get admitted and our wards are left out.
Will things be solved early so that we can get back to our jobs and meet the power needs of the country!!??!

Anonymous said...

The orders of the Chennai high court of 2007 are very very clear. No student of the same school can be denied a seat ,in preference for an outsider. The school and the principal must be ignorant of the rules if they brazenly break it.

The admissiosn in to std XI are closely watched in all schools and any violation is seriously viewed by the court, the government and the regional Office of CBSE.

Anonymous said...

There is absolutely no need to beg or wait.In places like Chennai, Coimbatore,Dindigul and Madurai, parents are treated like GODs. There is no way the school can refuse, repeat refuse ,admission to RSK and BHEL students and take a student from outside.I do not know about other states but in Tamilnadu, at least, this CANNOT BE DONE evere since last year's court verdict. You have to mail /fax/ring up CBSE at Delhi or the Regional office.

Not only is the school expected to take all its students, it is expected to clearly specify the cut off and teh norms much much before the results. The Principal is very obviously ignorant of the rules.